corey dolliver obituary and corey dolliver haverhill ma

Corey Bryan Dolliver, 44, died abruptly at his Haverhill, MA home on April 9, 2023. Bryan Dolliver and Joy (Magnusson) Given were his parents.

Raymond High School graduated Corey from Raymond, NH. He excelled in all sports. Corey loved football and was a proud varsity player. Corey began landscaping for Troy Olofson. He later worked as a boilermaker for O'Connor Corporations in Canton, MA, and was a member of N. Quincy's International Brotherhood of Boilermakers-Local 29. Corey was a Local Union 4 crane operator for Locke Crane Services in Tewksbury, MA. Corey loved, charmed, and helped his family and friends. He helped everyone. When his uncle Peter needed a kidney at 18, Corey immediately offered to donate one. Corey was a speed-loving daredevil. He showed this when boating and riding his motorbike. Corey was into the gym and snowboarding again.

He is survived by his wife, Tasha (Miller) Dolliver, step-daughter, Dakota Walker, mother and step-father, Joy and John Given, father, Bryan Dolliver, sister Crystal, brother Max, nephew Gradyn Ard, godchildren Jada M. Kissane, Sydni A. Kissane, Colby R. Kissane, and many aunts, uncles, and cousins.

The Brewitt Funeral Home, 14 Pine St., Exeter, NH, will have visiting hours from 5:00–7:00 PM on Friday, April 21, 2023. Friday, April 21, 2023, at 7 PM, the funeral home will host the memorial service.

Greenwood Cemetery, Kingston, NH, will hold the burial.

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"Corey dolliver, you will be perpetually missed, yet always remembered," the sheriff's specialization said in a proclamation. "We all extend our love, petitions, considerations, and sympathies to Corey dolliver, his companions, and associates."

Corey dolliver cause of death naturally

On April 9, 2023, Corey Bryan Dolliver, age 44, unexpectedly passed away at his home in the city of Haverhill, Massachusetts. He was the son of Bryan Dolliver and Joy (Magnusson) Given and was born on April 25, 1978 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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A Prayer for Corey dolliver and for Those Who Love Him

O Divine Force of the Living and the Dead, approve of Corey dolliver, whom we trust has entered this day into your realm. Award harmony, light, and everlasting youth to him who has been taken from us while still a kid. May he always be aware of the tinge of your affection and the gleam of your light in your vast domain? Look delicately upon his family, whose hearts are overburdened with distress. Stroll with them; console them; encompass them with heavenly messengers to lift them from the profundity of their grievous misfortune. At long last, look generously upon our Focal Catholic People group. We stand as a family in our moments of triumph and bliss; give us the mental strength to remain as a family now, despite our lack of Corey dolliver. May we console each other with expressions of confidence, trust, and love? Persuade our hearts that everything works for the good of those who trust in God. So be it.

Who is Corey dolliver?

Raymond, New Hampshire was Corey's hometown, where he attended and graduated from Raymond High School. He maintained his status as a skilled athlete throughout his life and was able to perform admirably in a variety of sports. Corey's enthusiasm for football was unparalleled, and he took great satisfaction in his role as a member of the varsity squad. Corey's first job was working as a landscaper for his cousin, Troy Olofson, who was also his employer. After that, he worked as a boilermaker for O'Connor Corporations in Canton, Massachusetts, for a number of years.

He was also a member of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers-Local 29, which was based in North Quincy, Massachusetts. Corey was currently working as a crane operator for Locke Crane Services in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, where he was also a member of the Local Union 4 labour organisation. Corey was known to his many family members and friends as an affectionate, gregarious, and charitable individual. Anyone who came to him for assistance received it.

When Corey was only 18 years old and his uncle Peter was fighting for his life and needed a kidney to survive, Corey offered to donate one of his kidneys to him without any hesitation. This acts as a witness to Corey's charity. Everyone who knew Corey would agree that he was quite the daredevil and had no fear when it came to speed. He was fearless when he was driving fast.

This was fairly obvious regardless of whether he was driving his motorbike or out on the water on his boat. Corey enjoyed going to the gym and had only recently started snowboarding again after taking some time off.

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