How to get Diamond skins in COD Mobile

COD Mobile offers a wide variety of completionist camos that players can earn by mastering specific weapons.

With the addition of Weapon Mastery, players now have even more incentive to grind for camos. They not only add a unique look to your weapons but also showcase your skill level to other players.

Five higher-tier completionist camos are available to unlock, including Gold, Platinum, Damascus, Diamond, and Aether. They are the most difficult to obtain but also the most prestigious. Unlocking them requires significant time and skill, but the reward is worth it. They give a distinct look to the weapons and make you stand out from the crowd.

In addition to being a completionist, camos also offer various weapon skins and attachments that players can unlock through gameplay, such as Operator skins, weapon charms, and reticles.

How to obtain Diamond skins in COD Mobile?

Before attempting to unlock the Diamond Camo on a weapon in COD Mobile, players must first have the gold camo unlocked on the same weapon.

COD Mobile (Image by Activision)

Players need to meet specific kill requirements depending on the weapon's genre, to unlock the Diamond Camo in COD Mobile. For example, players will need to secure 10 kills in 150 or 120 matches with an assault rifle or an SMG respectively.

Players can track their progress and view the specific objectives for each weapon by accessing the camo lobby in the Gunsmith menu.

Hardpoint Mode (Image by Activision)

One efficient method to unlock the diamond camo in the game is playing the Hardpoint-Shipment mode. It allows players to secure 10 kills with a weapon, and the small map size of Shipment makes it easy to get the kills.

It's important to note that deaths do not affect progress as long as the player completes the match; however, quitting the game after getting the required ten kills will not count towards progress, so it's best to work on multiple diamond camos at the same time.

Free-For-All Mode COD Mobile (Image by Activision)

Another quick way to unlock the diamond camo is by playing the Free-For-All mode in Shipment. It's important to note that kills from scorestreaks, lethal equipment, or operator skills do not count towards the progress of unlocking the camo, only kills with the weapon itself are valid.

Hence, players should keep this in mind while playing the game and focus on getting the required number of kills with the weapon.

Diamond Skin COD Mobile ()Image by Activision)

Unlocking the diamond camo in the game requires players to meet specific kill requirements for each weapon. The best way to do this is by playing modes such as Hardpoint-Shipment or Free-For-All in Shipment. Deaths do not affect progress as long as the match is completed, but quitting the game after getting the required kills will not count towards progress.

With a little bit of patience and practice, players will be able to unlock the coveted diamond camo and show off their skills to other players.

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