What happened to Chase Outlaw's daughter? PBR leads tributes as Cash Outlaw dies aged 11

Chase Outlaw's daughter Cash Outlaw recently passed away on October 14, 2022, at the age of 11. The news was confirmed by the professional bull riding organization PBR, who wrote in a tweet:

"Today, we ask for your thoughts and prayers for Chase Outlaw and his family as they mourn the loss of their daughter Cash."

Her funeral service was held on October 18, 2022, at 2 p.m. at the CrossRoads Cowboy Church in El Paso, Arkansas.

Cash Outlaw's cause of death explored

Cash Outlaw's death has been a big loss for the Outlaw family. However, her exact cause of death remains unknown.

Reports say that she was hospitalized at Arkansas Children's Hospital a few weeks before her death. Her obituary states that she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was two and a half years old.

It is still unclear whether diabetes played a role in her death.

Everything known about Cash Outlaw

Chase Outlaw is a father of two more kids (Image via Chris Elise/Getty Images)

Cash Outlaw was one of Chase Outlaw's six children, born in 2011. Chase shared Cash with his ex-girlfriend Brett Ann Riddle. Hayes and Chloe were his second and third children with his current wife Nicole.

Nicole and Chase currently live in Hamburg. They married in June 2016, when Cash was four years old. Cash attended Russellville Intermediate School and enjoyed gymnastics, singing, dancing, talking, telling stories, coon and deer hunting.

She also had a passion for horses and aspired to be a trick rider. Cash intended to attend college to get a Ranch Management degree.

A brief about his father, Chase Outlaw

Chase is a professional bull rider who was named CEO of Outlaw Nation in 2019. He won five events at the elite level of the competition, four at the Touring Pro level, and another in Canada. He won the third PBR event in Houston, Texas, and competed in the elite division.

Following his debut in 2012, he went on to win 11 elite televised events as well as a few other events in Canada and Australia. He started riding calves at the age of four and bulls at the age of ten.

Netizens pay Cash tribute on Twitter

Considering that Chase Outlaw is a popular name in the sports industry, people expressed their grief on Twitter when they heard about his daughter's death. See some tweets below.

Cash is survived by her mother Brett, father Chase, siblings Josie and Bristol, grandparents, seven cousins, and other family members.

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