What is a satellite city? Maui County Council resident goes viral over fiery speech condemning Oprah

On August 22, during a Maui County Council regular meeting, a resident from Lahaina, the island worst affected by the August 8 wildfire, delivered a bombshell speech that has since taken the internet by storm. A middle-aged woman who is being dubbed as “Auntie” on social media shared her thoughts on the fire, saying how she believes it was no “coincidence.”

In the clipping that has now become viral, she is heard saying how there was no water to put out the fire, nor any warning for the residents to save themselves, their families and friends, and their properties.

“Everybody talking about the satellite city before the fire. Lahaina gonna be the first satellite city!” she stated.

She further continued by indicating how the fire was planned, alleging that it was exactly what the likes of Jeff Bezos and Oprah wanted. She condemned the duo and other elites who have properties in Maui.

The fiery speech of the Maui County Council resident and her claim that Lahaina was going to be a “satellite city” has become an important topic of interest online. According to Pediaa, a satellite city refers to a small urban area which is situated close to a large metropolitan area. It refers to the traditional downtown surrounded by the neighborhoods of an inner city.

Understanding the concept of a satellite city as the Maui County Council resident's speech goes viral

The name “satellite city” was derived from the concept of artificial satellites that are launched into the Earth’s orbit, but are not part of the Earth.

Likewise, the idea of a satellite city is that it will be located next to a metropolitan, but will not be a part of it. In fact, a satellite city is mostly separated from the metropolis by geographic barriers or territory lines.

For instance, Pakenham and Sunbury are satellite cities near Melbourne. In the case of Lahaina, it would have been a satellite city for the metropolis of Maui.

What’s interesting is that two important features of a satellite city include a lower cost of living and more affordable land value – both of which are in stark contrast to a smart city.

The significance of a satellite city is that it offers a great solution to the problem of urbanization and helps people from the metropolis relocate to avoid crowd, traffic, and more urban issues. In other words, it can be an effective extension of a metropolis.

In brief, exploring the viral speech of Maui County Council resident

In the viral speech, the middle-aged woman who is now being called “Auntie” all over the internet, shared her fiery opinions on the Maui wildfire. In the video, she is heard saying:

“We busted our *ss and this is what we get. Nobody called us. Our phones didn’t work from five in the morning. The fire was not until 10 o’clock when I went to work.”

By this, she tried to hint that communication was stopped long before the fire actually started in Lahaina. She also explained how hours after the fire, there was no water, nor any warning issued by the government.

“Tell me if that’s a coincidence,” she asked.

However, what grabbed the attention of the netizens was the part where she talked about satellite city and how Lahaina was going to be one, a rumor that had allegedly spread prior to the fire.

“Well hey, Jeff Bezos, you got what you wanted. Oprah, you got what you wanted. And the guy who owns the night, you got what you wanted. F*ck us all over. That’s what happened,” she said, while calling out the people she considers responsible for the Maui fire.
The viral speech of a Maui resident was shared by a netizen. (Image via X/TheThe1776)

She wrapped up her speech by saying how they needed help in Lahaina and how nobody was going to do that for them. She also condemned people sharing prayers for Lahaina, as according to her, prayers alone won’t do anything.

“Because all we got so far was $700, and we don’t know who to call or anything. It’s culturally insensitive in that zone.”
A tweet reporting the fiery speech of a middle-aged woman from Lahaina. (Image via X/Wall Street Apes)

This is not the first time the concept of Lahaina’s transition into a satellite city has come up. Earlier, netizens claimed that the fire in Maui was deliberate to “jump-start” the Hawaiian Smart City Agenda alongside the Smart Maui Project. A mention of turning Lahaina into a 15-minute city” to help with “climate lockdowns” was also mentioned.

However, what needs to be noted is that so far there has been no real evidence to support that the fire was man-made, even though several conspiracy theories have emerged such as the use of Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs), laser beams, and land grab by the elites and real estate developers, in collaboration with the Hawaii government. In fact, official records state that the fire was caused by dry conditions and strong winds brought forth by Category 4 Hurricane Dora.

So far, the deadliest fire in the history of the nation has claimed the lives of over 115 people, with over 800 still missing. Billions of dollars’ worth of land and property have been destroyed as well.

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